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Messy Mom Monday – November 23, 2015

MessyParenting#‎MessyMomMonday got the call from the school nurse last week. You know, the one. The dreaded…head lice. Our kid? Ugh. no way. That happens to other families. Not our kid. So much judgement and dare I say it, shame, from us as parents.

Where did it come from? Wanting to point finger. There’s no way to tell for sure. Does it matter? No. Not really.

Don’t tell anyone. Oops, gotta tell her friend’s parents ’cause there were sleepovers recently…

Gotta balance cleanliness and eradication efforts with keeping a positive attitude and not embarrassing her (kids don’t care -it’s us parents who freak out!)

I realized how much shame & judgement I have about lice, so that’s precisely why I’m writing about it today.

I admit, the positive attitude goes out the door kinda quickly when the nit comb comes out. It just plain sucks.

Lice is something kids on the ‘other side of the tracks’ get (wherever the hell that is). Not so true we’ve found out.

Apparently lice are not discerning so much. A warm scalp? Yep. Affluent or not. Clean or not. It’s all good to the little buggers.

I had just done 2 talks in a row the day before. I was flying high from working and doing my thing: dressed up out meeting and greeting, making connections, inspiring others (they told me that, I’m not just saying it.) And then, the next day it’s 2+ hours of combing nits and little critters out of my daughter’s hair.

I now know where ‘nitpicking’ comes from.
I wish I didn’t.

Parenting is so sexy sometimes…
…and grounding.

Just when you think “I’ve arrived (to some arbitrary place that you think has a certain importance or value that is totally subjective and fleeting anyway) life says, “um, yeah – not so fast sister. Don’t get too far ahead of yourself. There’s actual life, and in this case – death, of critters to deal with.

It’s #‎ADivineMess.

The good news? In addition to getting rid of lice, I got to shed some shame & judgment too.

Yeah baby. That’s how we messy moms do it: 3 for price of 1!

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