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You don’t lack Emotional Intelligence – you lack awareness of how you’re EQ works!

I just read Dr. Travis Bradberry’s article “Eleven Signs That You Lack Emotional Intelligence” and I have a few issues with this article…starting with the title.

It’s NOT that you LACK Emotional Intelligence, you just don’t know how to USE your Emotional Intelligence.

First of all, I don’t believe people “lack” emotional intelligence (EQ). I think what they lack is understanding of how they are uniquely designed to process emotions and how their particular EQ is designed to function.

If you understand how your Emotional Intelligence functions, then you’ll know what skills you’re uniquely called to develop in order to communicate better and be successful in life & business.

I had so much to say, I just recorded it instead of writing.

I think you’ll find it insightful!

So you can follow along, get a free copy of your Human Design chart here:

The image below shows an Undefined Emotional Intelligence Function in the shaded circle. A Defined Emotional Intelligence Function would be colored in (a goldish-brown color).

Listen to my reply to Dr. Bradberry’s article here:


Instead of feeling like there’s something wrong with you, or that you’re lacking EQ, I think you’ll find what I have to say empowering & enlightening…


From My Heart & Soul to Yours,


The Fine Print

Client feedback and testimonials are not a guarantee of services or that you will experience the same results. Results can vary and depend upon your particular issue(s) and your willingness to engage in the healing and/or coaching process. Many of my client’s names have been omitted to preserve & respect confidentiality.

Any information presented on this website or in any audio and/or video recordings or other written materials affiliated with this website (i.e., articles, e-books, etc.) are for informational purposes only and not intended to diagnose or treat any mental, physical or emotional disorders; and are protected by the following:

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