by Kris Prochaska | Feb 23, 2016 | Messy Mom Monday, Voice
#SacredLeadership #MessyMomMonday The other night I was at open-gym with my son so he could practice his flips and grabs on the trampoline. I was the only parent there, all other 30 kids had their parents drop them off. I didn’t know any better. I’m...
by Kris Prochaska | Dec 3, 2015 | Authenticity, Clarity, Voice
You think it’s just busy work, but are you in fact molesting your business? Chances are she’s tired of being groped, manipulated, bossed around, and working nonstop to make you happy. You did not create her out of mud and now she is a thing to be man-handled and...
by Kris Prochaska | Oct 1, 2015 | Authenticity, Off The Couch With Kris, Voice
Hola! My son is learning Spanish, I’m trying to keep up… Learn the first place to start with Healing Communication in today’s video. It’s all about trusting yourself and your Inner Voice. (I really let loose in this one. Ever wondered what it’s like to sit and...
by Kris Prochaska | Aug 13, 2015 | Authenticity, Courage, Mindset, Voice
This is a post I put on Facebook Monday and the response was overwhelming. Welcome to the first not-so-official #MessyMomMonday! Last week a woman who is an ideal client for me told me that she didn’t hire me a year ago because she thought I wouldn’t be...
by Kris Prochaska | Jul 10, 2015 | Clarity, Voice
I recently had a huge sucker-punch right to my intuitive gut. I literally thought I was going to lose my cookies it was such a shock….and yet, it wasn’t a complete surprise, only the details were mostly a surprise. Long story short, I followed a couple...
by Kris Prochaska | May 21, 2015 | Authenticity, Clarity, Courage, Mindset, Value, Voice
When I first heard of Ted Talks I had a twinge of recognition. The second time I heard of them, from a client who had it on her bucket list to speak on a Ted stage, I felt the call even more deeply. When I bought my ticket to see TedxBend in 2014, I was so excited I...