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Wake Up Girl!

  Something to add to your summer into fall reading list: Wake Up Girl Magazine’s summer edition is out!  You can read it here: I wrote an article for the magazine called “It’s Not About The Money and Other...

Claim Your Genius

Last month I wrote a blog post called “Claim Your Baggage” You can read it here. Today I’d like follow up on the theme of claiming what is ours.  I believe that we need to own our baggage in order to release it.  On the flip side, in order to share our genius, and...

Claim Your Baggage

  Yesterday, during a VIP day with a client I shared with her  my observation about letting go of the things that bog us down-our baggage.  You know, baggage:  That heavy stuff we carry around with us that we try to ignore, and often don’t even realize is there,...

Are You A Flow-er?

  Are you in the flow or have you cut yourself off?   If you have seen me speak recently, you would have heard me share about the power of being grounded and having your energy flowing in a way that attracts exactly who and what you need in your life and business.  I...

Breakdowns & Breakthroughs

  Breakdowns suck.  They just do. What I know to be true though is that with every breakdown comes a breakthrough—if you can stay in the game long enough and ride out the discomfort, fear and urge to quit. In today’s post I’ll describe what breakdown is, some signs...

The Cost of Keeping Quiet

  A few days ago I went to a local nail salon to treat myself to a mani & pedi.  It was a soggy day (the first day of spring!), and I hadn’t treated myself to something like this in a very long time–I was way over due, like I’m sure many of you...