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Easy Listening

I’ve got some easy-listening for you today! Normally I don’t listen to radio or podcast shows where I’ve been interviewed after they are done and published. But something called me to listen to this one and I did so last night on my evening walk. There was so much...

Right side up morning…turned upside down

Pancake breakfast.  Sometimes in my avoidance to make a mess by cooking and having to clean up, I make a bigger mess… 4 pancakes leftover from last night’s fun breakfast-for-dinner. 3 kids. You know this is going to be ugly, right? I could have just made more. I...

But who soothes YOU, Mom?

I dedicate this one to the moms who want to run. To the moms who want the romance, the sultry darker side, to live in a romance novel, to the moms who desire nurturing and creativity in the deepest places within.  The drummer, who was incredibly hot, invited me to...

Rearrange Your Internal Alphabet

A few months ago I was in Seattle speaking to a group of parents. It was the morning after my talk, and I was acutely aware of how much reassurance we sometimes need as parents that we are not alone, that we are doing the best we can, that we are going to be fine-and...

Context Is Everything

Context.  It’s a word I’ve been rolling around in my mind and experience lately. In fact, I was sharing with my Inner Voice Circle the insight I got recently about how context is developed and why it’s so important to understanding just where you are...