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Messy Mom Monday Feb 22

#‎SacredLeadership ‪#‎MessyMomMonday The other night I was at open-gym with my son so he could practice his flips and grabs on the trampoline. I was the only parent there, all other 30 kids had their parents drop them off. I didn’t know any better. I’m...

Messy Mom Monday – November 23, 2015

#‎MessyMomMonday got the call from the school nurse last week. You know, the one. The dreaded…head lice. Our kid? Ugh. no way. That happens to other families. Not our kid. So much judgement and dare I say it, shame, from us as parents. Where did it come from? Wanting...

Messy Mom Monday – October 26, 2015

#‎MessyMomMonday‬ ‪#‎ADivineMess‬ Here is the great irony of my life: Up to this point, I seem to have learned the most about communication, intuition, success, failure, parenting, and pretty much everything else from doing the very thing that would create a big...

Messy Mom Monday – October 19, 2015

#‎MessyMomMonday Art is good for the soul… I got to make a wonderful waxy mess in my first encaustic class. I loved the process of building up the wax in layers and scraping it away. It drips everywhere. It’s hot. It smells like candles. Creating. Destroying....

Messy Mom Monday – October 5, 2015

Dogs, control freaking, receiving, and enlightenment. That’s what today’s #MessyMomMonday is all about. I like dogs. I really do – someday we will have one of our own. And at the risk of offending 99% of my friends and the 98% of people who live in this town...