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Pick A Horse And Ride It

Passionate Choices Lead To Potent Consequences* I had an uneasy realization this past weekend. I’ve been addicted to the Aha’s. The breakthroughs, the process, the dramatic realizations and discovery of personal truth. There’s nothing wrong with those things in...

Retreat & Retrieve

I’m writing this week’s article from 35,000 feet on my way to Minneapolis for a retreat with my coach and mastermind group. Retreats are interesting for me because I almost always have some “breakdown” occur before, during or afterwards that ultimately allows me to...

Bare Legs And Heart

Oy. The past couple weeks have presented numerous opportunities to grow and step out of my comfort zone. It hasn’t been easy, but it has been amazing. One of the ways I stepped out of my comfort zone was to wear a dress while delivering a keynote address. For some of...

Fear is NOT Your Birthright

I’m mad.  Really mad. It’s time you got mad too. Why?  Because fear has got you by the ovaries. I’ve talked to you.  I’ve listened to your dreams, your visions, your goals. I’ve heard what stops you. I’ve heard the excuses, “there’s not enough (money/time/belief) and...