by Kris Prochaska | Aug 28, 2014 | Clarity, Courage, Voice
You will know the true visions of your soul by the simple fact that they will not leave you alone. Trust them. Very often the issue isn’t clarity around the vision. You know who and what. (Don’t you?) The challenge is to courage to surrender to the vision and take...
by Kris Prochaska | Jul 31, 2014 | Authenticity, Courage, Mindset
Truth: I LOVE my kiddos, and of course I love them unconditionally, but, and this is hard to say… sometimes I SHOW IT CONDITIONALLY. It happens to the best of us – until we understand what’s happening and stop the pattern. It isn’t pretty. I wish I could...
by Kris Prochaska | Jul 18, 2014 | Authenticity, Clarity, Courage, Mindset, Value, Voice
Traveling always offers opportunity to listen to your intuition, and for me this latest trip was no different. Bottom-line lessons learned on this trip: Free is rarely a good deal-if you value quality. If you find yourself worrying what others will think,...
by Kris Prochaska | May 8, 2014 | Authenticity, Courage, Mindset, Voice
Today’s article is for you folks who are really feeling rocked by the astrological events of the past month or two-a lunar eclipse April 15th, the “grand cross” on the 22nd/23rd, a solar eclipse on the 28th, and numerous other fun opportunities for getting in...
by Kris Prochaska | May 2, 2014 | Courage, Mindset
Successful people choose to do mostly small and seemingly inconsequential actions everyday that bring them closer to their dreams that 95% of people don’t, or won’t, choose to do. I love my Barre 3 class. (I promise this story will relate to your business &...
by Kris Prochaska | Apr 10, 2014 | Clarity, Courage, Mindset, Voice
At Darla LeDoux’s event in Vegas 2 weeks ago I saw Suzanne Evans speak. She’s a riot! And extremely successful. (Here’s a pic of Suzanne & Jimbo Marshall of Hell Yeah Studios on stage). Suzanne shared that at one point in her business she invested several...