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Listen Before You Speak

  Confession time.  It’s been awhile since I wrote.  I needed to regroup… I got derailed this summer.  I spent a huge amount of time, energy, and resources putting together a booth at the eWomen Conference in Dallas (back in July). It was my first booth....

Claim Your Genius

Last month I wrote a blog post called “Claim Your Baggage” You can read it here. Today I’d like follow up on the theme of claiming what is ours.  I believe that we need to own our baggage in order to release it.  On the flip side, in order to share our genius, and...

The Cost of Keeping Quiet

  A few days ago I went to a local nail salon to treat myself to a mani & pedi.  It was a soggy day (the first day of spring!), and I hadn’t treated myself to something like this in a very long time–I was way over due, like I’m sure many of you...

Are You A POB?

It’s Veterans Day here in the States, and to be honest until very recently I hadn’t thought much about what that meant.  It wasn’t until seeing my son’s 2nd grade assembly yesterday in celebration of all that Veterans and soldiers who are...