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Messy Mom Monday – October 26, 2015

#‎MessyMomMonday‬ ‪#‎ADivineMess‬ Here is the great irony of my life: Up to this point, I seem to have learned the most about communication, intuition, success, failure, parenting, and pretty much everything else from doing the very thing that would create a big...

Messy Mom Monday – October 19, 2015

#‎MessyMomMonday Art is good for the soul… I got to make a wonderful waxy mess in my first encaustic class. I loved the process of building up the wax in layers and scraping it away. It drips everywhere. It’s hot. It smells like candles. Creating. Destroying....

Messy Mom Monday – October 5, 2015

Dogs, control freaking, receiving, and enlightenment. That’s what today’s #MessyMomMonday is all about. I like dogs. I really do – someday we will have one of our own. And at the risk of offending 99% of my friends and the 98% of people who live in this town...