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Rearrange Your Internal Alphabet

A few months ago I was in Seattle speaking to a group of parents. It was the morning after my talk, and I was acutely aware of how much reassurance we sometimes need as parents that we are not alone, that we are doing the best we can, that we are going to be fine-and...

Messy Mom Monday Feb 22

#‎SacredLeadership ‪#‎MessyMomMonday The other night I was at open-gym with my son so he could practice his flips and grabs on the trampoline. I was the only parent there, all other 30 kids had their parents drop them off. I didn’t know any better. I’m...

Messy Mom Monday – November 23, 2015

#‎MessyMomMonday got the call from the school nurse last week. You know, the one. The dreaded…head lice. Our kid? Ugh. no way. That happens to other families. Not our kid. So much judgement and dare I say it, shame, from us as parents. Where did it come from? Wanting...