by Kris Prochaska | Jan 2, 2014 | Clarity, Conviction, Courage
My husband got me the book 50 Shades of Gray for my birthday last fall. Oh my. It’s not going to win any literary prizes, but it sure was an, ahem, interesting read. If you don’t know what it’s about I’ll sum up for you: Sex. Power. Control. Domination. Submission....
by Kris Prochaska | Dec 26, 2013 | Clarity, Courage, Mindset, Voice
One of my favorite traditions is the Burning Bowl Ceremony. You can find one a the Unity church near you, but just in case you’re no where near a formal burning bowl celebration, and you don’t have a fireplace you can try the following at home. This is a “smokeless...
by Kris Prochaska | Dec 19, 2013 | Courage, Mindset, Voice
You are the first folks to get a sneak peek at my book: Life Well Spoken: Free Your Inner Voice & Prosper. In lieu of an article, I’ll let the chapters speak for themselves! Look below to complete the webform and your chapters will be on the way to...
by Kris Prochaska | Dec 12, 2013 | Authenticity, Courage
Growing up, my sister was the “sensitive one.” I was tough, defensive, a loner, and there was no way I was going to be sensitive and admit that I needed anyone or allow myself to feel things deeply or acknowledge that I experienced far more than I let on. No. Way....
by Kris Prochaska | Dec 5, 2013 | Authenticity, Courage, Mindset, Voice
The other day I was thinking about leadership, influence, and power and wondering to myself why so many people feel as though they are powerless, or don’t see how they make a difference in the world and the lives of others. Oh, you may be thinking to yourself “I know...