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You Are Your Toughest Sale

  Contrary to popular objection, it’s not your spouse you have to convince of your dreams, your value, or your intentions to invest in yourself or your business. It’s You. I totally get it.  I’ve been there.  We come up with all kinds of crazy s$%*...

Comfortable Doesn’t Equal Success

  When was the last time you made a decision in your business or your life that made you want to puke? Seriously. Think about the last time you made a big decision.  Don’t remember one off the top of your head?  Then I’m venturing a guess that you are feeling...

Who Are You Being In 30 Seconds?

Today’s video includes 3 tips for networking–specifically that pesky 30-60 second elevator pitch/intro.  Hint: It’s not necessarily about what you have to say, it’s all about who you’re Being. I didn’t say this in the video, but one tip I will add is this: if...

Are You Abusing Your ‘Substance’?

  Give your substance where it can do most good.” ~Raymond Holliwell First, let’s define ‘substance’.  Here’s how I define it: Your substance is your genius, services, talents, gifts, time, energy, insights and intuitions.  It’s your advice, feedback, and for better...