by Kris Prochaska | Feb 6, 2013 | Authenticity, Mindset, Voice
Today’s post is short because I did a quick interview with Debby Handrich of Life Mastery Radio* about how we show up in our conversations really affects other people and our results. As you listen to this brief recording-it’s about 20min long, notice where you feel...
by Kris Prochaska | Jan 29, 2013 | Mindset, Value
These are the myths that keep us stuck in the middle. That crazy-making place of mediocrity, fogginess, and dashed dreams. I’m dropping some Inner Voice BombsTM to explode these myths and help us all move out of the middle and into becoming thought-leaders in...
by Kris Prochaska | Jan 24, 2013 | Mindset, Voice
Ever had one of these conversations in your personal life or business?** It started innocently enough. A couple text messages between us celebrating a win and a “date” with my husband, Mike, to discuss more later after he got home that night. I had no other plans to...
by Kris Prochaska | Jan 20, 2013 | Mindset, Value, Voice
I recently recorded a new Mp3 called Journey From Emotional Follower to Thought Leader. [If you haven’t picked it up yet, it’s part of my Breaking Free From The Middle Kit. You can get immediate access and download the recording on the right of your...
by Kris Prochaska | Jan 17, 2013 | Messy Mystic Mama
Today’s post is just for fun. An audience member shared this link with me after a talk I gave the other day on mindset and being a “middle manager.” (You can find out more about that by getting my Breaking Free From The Middle Kit to the right of...