Today’s video includes 3 tips for networking–specifically that pesky 30-60 second elevator pitch/intro. Hint: It’s not necessarily about what you have to say, it’s all about who you’re Being.
I didn’t say this in the video, but one tip I will add is this: if you tend to ramble for 60 seconds or go over your 30 seconds allotment, you are doing far more damage than simply stopping when your time is up–part of why people do that relates to the 3 tips I give in the video. Check it out…
What do you think? What makes a powerful 30-60 second elevator pitch? Leave your comments below…
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Client feedback and testimonials are not a guarantee of services or that you will experience the same results. Results can vary and depend upon your particular issue(s) and your willingness to engage in the healing and/or coaching process. Many of my client’s names have been omitted to preserve & respect confidentiality.
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