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This changed everything for me

I’ve been practicing what I preach by coming into alignment with my own design, (it’s an ongoing process after all!) and as I have been doing what I teach my clients to do, things are working and going more smoothly as I get more and more in alignment – more clients, more income, more clarity, more fun!

I’m also seeing all the places in my life & business where I still have room to grow and expand and unlike the past when I’d get frustrated and freak out and compare myself to everyone else who seemed to be “getting it” while I struggled, I now have a plan and a blueprint to follow.

It’s not a blueprint that I got from someone who “figured it out for themselves” and now teaches their model to others. Nope. It’s my own individual blueprint, my own unique design – and the more I follow it, the better life gets. It doesn’t matter whether my clients are coming to me because of business & work issues (marketing, leadership, clarity of purpose, etc.) or coming to me because of personal relationship issues, when I show them their unique design they are blown away as well.

“Working with Kris is a game changer. After just one 30 minute call I made a couple of tweaks to my marketing and connection strategies that were more in alignment with my design and, not only did business suddenly become fun and inspiring again, I also started discovering and signing clients with ease. Based on one simple shift we talked about, I made more money in one week than I had over the past two months!”

Kate Marolt

If you’re frustrated with your results (or lack of them) then it may be time for you to radically accept that:

There’s nothing wrong with you;
you just don’t know yourself as well as you think you do

In other words, you’re ignorant, but not blissful.

But that’s about to change! I’ve gathered all the most important information I’ve collected, and the ideas and lessons I’ve learned both personally and vicariously through my client’s self-exploration over the past 20+ years of clinical & coaching work and put together something that can truly help you understand who you are, and why you think, and feel the way you do, and why you keep doing what you do, even when it doesn’t work!

Whether you’re listening in for work related insights or help for breaking through relationship & communication snafus, you’ll learn something about yourself which is where your power begins!

Join me next Tuesday for my newest training call:

Your Divine Energy Signature: Understand Your True Power, Gifts, and Leadership Style So That You Can Become The Business Owner And Partner You Were Born To Be

In this call I’m going to show you how understanding your unique energy signature can help you…

  • Know how to structure your business to maximize your gifts (and minimize your challenges!)
  • Feel comfortable in your own skin and at ease with the way you work best (which makes you highly attractive by the way!)
  • Understand what literally distinguishes you from others in your field, and how you’re designed to deliver your genius.
  • Understand how others perceive you (and how to stop giving off the wrong vibe so you can attract your ideal people who will pay you!)


“Kris has an amazing knowledge of human design and has the uncanny ability to help me apply what I learned about myself in the chart to running my business. Just one insight alone has allowed me to trust myself and feel more confident when working with my clients. The information has helped me better my sales conversations in an authentic way and tweak some things in my business so they are more in alignment with where I am going.

I recommend Kris and human design reading for anyone ready to make more in their business and live life on purpose.”

Kelly Robbins, MA

This information has literally transformed my sales, business, relationships, and even the way I interact with my children. I hope you’ll join us Tuesday Nov 11 for the call – it’s a game changer!

From My Heart To Yours,

The Fine Print

Client feedback and testimonials are not a guarantee of services or that you will experience the same results. Results can vary and depend upon your particular issue(s) and your willingness to engage in the healing and/or coaching process. Many of my client’s names have been omitted to preserve & respect confidentiality.

Any information presented on this website or in any audio and/or video recordings or other written materials affiliated with this website (i.e., articles, e-books, etc.) are for informational purposes only and not intended to diagnose or treat any mental, physical or emotional disorders; and are protected by the following:

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.